A fantasy based on reality

A fantasy based on reality

The scenarios of the movie are set during the events of the latest and the fifteenth installment of the final fantasy series. Kingsglaive is a feature film 110 minutes long due to release this 19th of August and 30th of August in DVDs.

The movie was in development for the last three years. The developers of the final fantasy XV decided to re-plan the project from the final fantasy versus XIII, trying to make a massive theme out of it. But they felt really hard to put every bit of the theme into the game. The Nilfheim invasion of Lucis is a part of the game’s theme that would take so much of time and effort to embed it into the game. Rather adding it to the game, they decided to make a seperate project as a movie in the name of Kingsglaive.


Square Enix, the game’s developer had an advantage here with the project stared as a movie. The game’s design and graphics can now not be limited by a game console’s features. So they were in total freedom to make the film in the highest quality possible. Plus, the cast for the voice actors of the characters in the movie were chosen from hollywood. The team contacted the production house of Jurassic world and Game of thrones, to see which of them would suit the characters and their personalities. Sean Bean was roped in to play the king Regis himself (seen in the picture above). Now you can see why he was chosen for the character. It is just like playing Ned Stark. Likewise, Lena Headey who played Cersei Lannister was cast as Luna and Aaron Paul plays the protagonist Nyx. The other studio that worked on the movie were Digic Pictures, well known for its work on the Assassin’s Creed franchise.


The theme of the story is bigger than imagined. There is a war between the magical kingdom of Lucis and the empire of Niflheim over the possession of a hallowed crytal that belongs to Lucis. The king of Lucis, Regis commands the armed forces of the kingdom, dubbed as Kingsglaive. Nyx Ulric and his fellow glaives stand before the crwon city of insomnia, fighting the advance of the Niflheim army weilding their king’s magic prowess. The overwhelming power of the empire’s military looks to much to handle for the glaive. The king has one final chance before this ends. That is to seek his son Prince Noctis, outside of the crwon city and to wed him to Luna, the princess of Tenebrae who is now held captive in Niflheim. Can Nyx meanwhile stop the invasion with his fellow glaives and can the king wed his son to the princess forms the rest of the story.